
Building Up Immunity: Fighting Off Flu Season Naturally

Building Up Immunity: Fighting Off Flu Season Naturally

Building up a stronger immune system is something we could all use in our daily routines, and luckily, there’s a ton of different strategies you can try to achieve that. Quality habits, good dieting, exercise, everything has an impact on how your body reacts to allergies, and even small changes can make a world of difference for you today.

What Causes Allergies?

Allergies really can be rooted in all kinds of natural substances in the air. Depending on your climate, living situation, and health habits, a handful of usual suspects might be the culprit for your allergies acting up.

Pollen: A common culprit for most of us all through spring, but still a particularly frustrating one. Keep an eye out for areas that are heavier set with flowerbeds, different plants and all kinds of meadows. If you hike a ton, you best come prepared with some kind of decongesting remedies and be wary of how much pollen you're getting exposed to.

Pet Dandruff: Allergies related to pet hair are pretty common today, and if new pet is in the house or on the block, you might be more susceptible to allergies popping up in your everyday experience. If there is a pet in the house, dandruff can be extremely hard to avoid, so be sure to keep your hands away from the eyes and face as much as possible.

Medications: Medications can often lead to allergic reactions as well, and depending on your body, range in severity. Keep an eye on how new medications worked into your routine have affected how you feel daily, as it might be best to seek out a medical professional should symptoms arise.

Natural Remedies for Seasonal Allergies

Air filters: Great way to regulate the air in the house, as well as improve sleep habits. Catching a sneeze attack just before bed can be really frustrating, and keeping the air flow consistent when you sleep is a great place to start. 

Rinsing Your Sinuses: Sinuses need to be kept clear if they’re going to stay healthy, and getting congested is a very common way for allergies to really be detrimental to how you feel every day. Keep them clear with a rinsing fluid or other similar practices daily to fight off inflammation and pain.

Taking Natural Supplements to Relieve Symptoms: There are plenty of natural remedies for boosting your immunity and beating allergy season. Over-the-counter medications, healing teas, powder mixes, and even gummies. 

At Troomy, we've lovingly crafted medicinal mushrooms that offer a wide range of functional benefits in seven different gummies.

What are Medicinal Mushrooms?

Medicinal mushrooms are fantastic to work into your routine for a wide range of health-related benefits. While offering an almost zero-calorie food for protein, vitamins, and minerals, these natural superfoods are the perfect addition to meal prepping for some daily support. 

Are They the Same as Lion’s Mane Mushrooms?

Lion’s mane mushrooms are actually a type of medicinal mushroom that fall into the category of being ‘functionally’ powerful. Functionally powerful mushrooms offer some kind of support, like stress relief, increased energy, and healthier sleep.

As for mushrooms that are more guided towards allergy support, reishi is a great place to start. Their adaptogenic foundation can build massive support through mycelium extract that opens up pathways in the body to increase oxidative stress relief, reduce inflammation, and more.

Are Mushrooms Safe to Use for Allergies?

You can actually use medicinal mushrooms in your daily routine regularly for benefits that influence your energy, stress relief, sleep habits, and immune function to resist allergies. They are entirely legal to use in the United States, and have zero hallucinogenic or psychedelic effects you might associate with mushrooms. The trick is just finding a way to try them.

What’s the Best Way to Try Medicinal Mushrooms?

Depends on what kind of routine you have! Some of us are on tight morning schedules that don’t allow us much time for any extra prep, while others might be a little quicker in the kitchen to be ready for the day ahead. Capsules, powders, raw mushrooms, there are all kind of supplements you can try today. Luckily, we've got the tastiest, cleanest, and most diet-friendly route to trying mushrooms today.


Try Troomy Nootropics to Relieve Allergies Today!

Overall, there's a lot to love about medicinal mushrooms for getting all kinds of daily boosts. Beyond energy boosts and better stress relief, you can start fighting off allergies all season long.

To get going, we recommend our Calm and Boost blends. Using reishi and cordyceps mushrooms in two organically-powerful gummies, caffeine-free gummies with amazing flavors makes better daily wellness a no-brainer. Get started today with mushroom-powered wellness from Troomy. 

Alex Heining

About the Author

Alex Heining is a major supporter and activist of mushroom-powered wellness, and has been a leader on our Troomy Nootropics team since day one. As a graduate from the University of Oregon and marketer in the Los Angeles area, he constantly aims to increase activity and acquire more knowledge on ever-changing innovations in the fungi industry today.

Over our first year as a company, he’s combined his efforts with our top blending strategists to inform the Troomy community on developments in mushroom-powered wellness, while developing delicious, functionally-powerful gummies for daily use. Whether he’s in the weightroom, studying new extraction methods, or working on some new songs, he’ll always be ready to talk your ear off about different ways you can find your “True Me” with Troomy.


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